
Archive for January, 2009

Global warming – http://pugetsoundblogs.com/waterways/tag/global-warming/

Lots of imformation on how our Earth has changed and how it will change in the future from greenhouse gas and also from people litering. Different types of global warming from blogs who taged there post on global warming which gives the site more info.

Pollution – http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/10/apples-rumored.html

Many paragraphs about how this disfunction of polluting is destroying our Earth. Apples new notebook is a big waste of raw materials and is a big concern because they don’t have to waste these materials and water to make a speacial kind of laptop. Lots of info on what raw material could also be used for.

Technology – http://blog.makezine.com/

This site provides theme and information about all the new things in the world. It is a site of science and structure together.lots of writing, videos, photos on everything new.

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